Compound butters (French: "Beurre composé") are mixtures of butter
& supplementary ingredients, used to enhance flavor, and can be used in the
following ways;
~As a Finishing Butter on: Risottos, grilled gourmet burgers, chicken, steaks, fish,
escargot, and vegetables from Asparagus - Zucchini!
~Pan Sear or Sauté
meat, poultry, shrimp, and fish in compound butter before finishing
by grilling,
or roasting.
Pan fry veggies with our butters -Try frying
Tomatoes in them!
~As a Topping on: Baked potatoes, toast, bagels, crackers. Chipotle
lime is great on Corn-On-the-Cob and popcorn!
~ Sweet Honey Butters are a great Topping on oatmeal, biscuits, waffles,
pancakes, and muffins.
~Turn butters into a Sauce for; crab fish, meat and poultry dishes by
adding them to a little wine and/or a broth base.
~You can finish most white or savory sauces
with an extra zing from our butters.
~Bake cookies, pie crust and other sweet desserts with our butters.
When a recipe calls for butter, sometimes savory herb butter makes a
great substitution such as our lemon basil butter in a shortbread cookie! Or
pie crust
~As a Spread on bread or present
butters similar to cheese on a cheese/meat/cracker platter.
~Melt as dressing or drizzle on warm pasta or potato salad.
~Have a "Beurre
composé" tasting party. They make an
interesting array of Dipping Butters at your next crab/clam/seafood bake theme
~Use as a beautiful Garnish on top of potatoes,
yams, green veggies at your Holiday Dinner Table.
*Stores airtight in
freezer for two months